Step into the most vibrant version of who you are.

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Invest in your growth. Invest in your relationship with yourself.

In our culture of self-opmitisation, we might believe we are never enough and feel frustrated tripping over and over the same patterns. However, growth comes from acceptance. From loving and integrating all of who we are: both the old patterns and our brilliance. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder way to relate to yourself. You will see how things in your life start to shift.


Build authentic relationships with your team members.

Come together to help each other step into the best version of who we are, whilst having a meaningful impact on the world.

“My experience working with Raquel has been very revealing. It's helping me connect deeply to my emotions, face my fears and focus on the important things in my life”

—Patricia, (The Netherlands).

Try a coaching session for free and see if it’s right for you.

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